The article "So You Want To Be A Game Programmer? How to get out of college and into games" by Matt Gilgenbach and Daniel Sass is a great starting point for the lost souls out there dreaming to be part of the next great game.
They gave four main pointers:
- a tight demo.
- a clean and professional resume.
- some experience.
- a pragmatic idea of what to expect.
It pays off to read the article and plan out your actions. To sum it all up, the section on the Demo is really important. The games industry is relatively young and there is a high demand for strong players in the game.
- Finish your game or demo.
- Make your demo impressive.
- Make your demo as easy as possible to view.
- Do not show off standardized class projects.
Also the last liner is something you should consider seriously.
"If you find math and physics confusing or you aren’t a hardcore coder, then game programming probably is not for you."
Being a game programmer is not the only important role in producing a game. Do some research and find out the role and suits you best. Good Luck~!