Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Beginning of a Good End

As I'm moving into the world of gaming industry, I might as well go into its workings and news. Many articles pass by and changes to the games market, from console to PC based to mobile games, nothing made me go holly-shit.

In the sense since the gaming industry has been growing and will still continue to grow unless every single child, teenager, adult and senior citizens (yes grandpas and grandmas out there) in the world tosses out their PS2.

Well here is the news that put a sinister smile on my face, the Activision and Blizzard merger annouced in Dec 2007 (Link interest: I've always been a huge fan of Blizzard since it's Diablo days. I'm also a big fan of current (and maybe soon-to-be former) largest developing and publishing house, EA. This merger will make Activition-Blizzard take the top spot but can they hold it? I'm really looking forword to how all this will play out in the games industry.

Some reads on the merger:


Clueless® said...

Can Activision+Blizzard actually beat out EA from a revenue/capital/stock value or any financial perspective. I always thought a Nintendo was the only one who could actually beat them financially.

Anyhow I still don't like it, I miss the days when they were more smallers developers around like BullFrog and Black Isle. I think EA should just remain a publisher with a share in developers than their being this giant entity

Danielle Cheah said...

Its always good to have the small guys. Especially if there are there to make those ground breaking moves. However, the giants are always there to push (of kill off) those small guys. And don't forget, the big guys are the ones that have the $$$ to makes things happen sometimes (or when they want to).

I don't really know if Activision-Blizzard will win the game. It all depends on the titles they come up with, release timings and their games direction. One or two off and they might be in for a big suffering. A good strike and EA might be in for a struggle. But all these takes time.

Time that I would enjoy letting it all play out :)

Anonymous said...

dc, don't forget that i'm actually waiting for diablo 3 ;)

get it done quick!