Tuesday, December 16, 2014

DmC: Definitive Edition is coming to PS4 in March 2015.


DmC: Definitive Edition does what is says in its name. It delivers the definitive DmC experience. We’ve revisited DmC: Devil May Cry and improved, optimised and added to the game. When creating the original DmC there were improvements that we wanted to make, but never got the chance to. In DmC Definitive Edition we have made those improvements. 

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

10 Behaviors That Could Kill Your Career (by Jack Welch)

I read this good article on LinkedIn Pulse written by Jack Welch. The 10 career killer are behaviours that people conciously would not do but I'm blogging about it because you'll be surprise how predominant these behaviours are. So if you do spot these behaviours within yourself, try changing it before they change you...

  • Misfiring on performance or values — Overcommitting and under-delivering.
  • Resistance to change — Failing to embrace new ideas.
  • Being a Problem Identifier vs a Problem Solver.
  • Winning over your boss but not your business peer group.
  • Always worrying about your next career move versus focusing on the present.
  • Running for office – it’s totally transparent to everyone but you!
  • Self-importance — exhibiting a humorless, rigid attitude.
  • Lacking the courage and conviction to push back on the system.
  • Forgetting to develop your own succession plan for when you get promoted.
  • Complacency — you’ve stopped growing.