Monday, February 14, 2011

A Gamer's Valentine.

I read this off Reddit and it is really sweet. So I would like to share it with all of you gamers out there on this day. Who says geeks can't be romantic.

I meant to bring you jewelry,
a lovely emerald ring,
but Knuckles robbed me blind last night
and stole the precious thing.

I wanted next to take you riding
all across Hyrule,
but Link and Zelda need to put
an end to Ganon's rule.

I asked my old friend Mario
what flowers I should give,
but after burning both my hands
I thought you'd rather live.

Since each romantic plan I made
completely went askew,
I'm trying hard to figure out
what else there is to do.

I have some quarters in my pocket. 
Would you please be my Player 2?

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