Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Longed Awaitings...

I've played lots of games and various genre of them. I like them all no matter the format, the least loved would be tycoons and management games. The games I love most are fantasy based RPGs (Role Playing Game) and RTSs (Real-Time Strategy). So this little snipnet will go to the few games I'm really looking forward to enjoy. I'm an amateur at games review but I'll give it a shot here.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
This is one of my favarites.
WOW (World of Warcraft) is the first release of MMORPG (Mass multiplayer online RPF) for the Warcraft series. This was one of the games that really got me sitting on one spot for hours playing. The combination PvP (player versus player), RPG, questing, missions, battle grounds, etc. will never let you down and will never be boring. Warth of the Lich King is actually the third release of the WOW series. The new stuff comprises of a new dungeon Utgrade Keep, a continent Northrend, profession Inscription, hero class Death Knight, level cap rised to 80 and etc. WotLK will be here this year 2008, so there will not be too long a wait but here is a sneak preview at WotLK main site (the video is a little too large to post).

StarCraft II
Yeah, all teenage kids had their share of Crafting (may it be Warcraft or StarCraft) in their early years one way or another.
StarCraft is one of Blizzard's popular games of its time during its release in 1998 and its expension set StarCraft: Brood War. Now StarCraft II takes the three races (Terran, Protoss and Zerg) of StarCraft and add bigger, badder, meaner punch to all its artillery. Each race will have new unique units and gameplay. But the coolest of cool stuff that will get you mesmerized is the 3D graphics. Here is a little trailer on a Terran Marine playing dress-up.

Well, those two are what I'm waiting for. For now, I think gamers should fill up their time with some of these other games which are interesting and has great graphics.


Those games will kill most of your time until the great releases are out...and on a final note. No there is no news of Diablo III coming out anytime soon...and yes if I could I would certainly love to work for Blizzard as a developer on Diablo III.

Cheers and happy gaming.

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