Friday, January 11, 2008

What the Heck is a Long Egggggggg?

I might sound ignorant here and a little like a fool but I've never heard of a "long egg" in my life. Its just too weird a thing for me. What is it for? Why was it created in the first place? Why can't you just use normal hard boiled eggs?

I think its suppose to be like a fish ball, only it is long and made of egg and shell-less..... Why?????

I managed to stumbled upon this totally weird item while watching Jamie's Fowl Dinner on Channel 4. It strongly resembles a soft d*** when he held it up on TV. Anyway there is this big buzz of news regarding chicken welfare, may it be in the form of egg farming or chicken meat processing. Totally a large topic to write on but I don't have the time now, next round. I just wanted to quicky flash the long d***, I mean the long egg.


Bryan Chen said...

Right.. freaky as it may be, thanks for introducing the rest of us to this. I've never seen one myself and wouldn't be inclined to try one... ever. =)

Danielle Cheah said...

Yeah, I was just as freaked out as you were when I first saw it wobbling on TV. Had to just Google it. Don't know, it might just taste just like the real thing. Just wonder if it bounces like a real hard boil egg.